Looking for Creative Safe Flight Wishes?

traveller Niharika

Are you bored of writing traditional safe flight wishes? Let me share with you some cute and creative ways to wish your loved ones a very safe journey.

You can use these as safe flight wishes for friend, boyfriend, lovers, or even family members. 

Safe Flight Wishes

97 Rare & Fun Safe Flight Wishes For Your Loved Ones

Just pick any one of the have a safe flight wishes, and get your very own cool tag


Hoping safe landing, ppl in the air

Bid goodbye to the sun and hi when you arrive


Don’t let the clouds intimidate you. Safe fly

Happy Highs


Aren’t we all high? Safe flight

Captain, don’t get high on the cockpit lights Fly safe ❤


Let’s hit the sky , safely. 

Captain Romeo, please fly your Juliet safely


The city is waiting to greet us

Don’t love the clouds too much, fly safely ❤


My heavens with you, fly safely ❤

Runways, meet you soon


Blue is good but green’s better. Travel safely

High with books, create only sweet stories


Let the airplane mode switch off soon

Runway awaits


Chill-in’ flights

Wishing clear skies


Captain, you got the power Safe flight

Captain, you’re the DJ. Music shouldn’t stop


Wave-in’ goodbye to the birds

Sky’s tryna romance me, isn’t working


Let the oceans be jealous, the land’s cheering for you

Hey, I miss you Come back soon ❤


Aesthetic: safe flight

Watching the sun-set as we set foot on land. Safe landing


A long conversation with the skies; landed safely

Smooth like butter; had a safe landing fam


The sky’s a mood today; safe flight

I’m waiting with the “Did you see my handsome/ gorgeous husband/wifey” Plaque card Safe flying. 


I’m at the airport babe; have a safe flight ❤

Safe flight-alito’


IG’s waiting for a summer photoshoot; safe flight

Gather only good memories; safe flight✨


Flights safer than hot air balloons

Hope you miss home-made food; safe flight


Yo Mom hasn’t learnt to use Insta still; come back soon ❤

Dad booked a permanent seat in the balcony; come soon & safe flying ❤


Don’t forget to buckle up; have safe flight

Get us souvenir ; safe flight ❤


Keep posting pictures; safe flight ❤

Christmas’s ahead babe; fly safe ❤


I had a dandelion come, I wished safe flight to you ❤

Bee with me Come soon ❤


You are my oxygen so come soon ❤; safe flying. 

The TEA would be ready; come to listen to it fly safe


I wish I could cuddle with you babe; come soon and fly safe

Damn! I didn’t know you were this important to me babe; come soon ❤


In a burrito blanket; come home to join

ISO in Alette; flying with book always safe


It’s good to be high but grounds are necessary, safe flight ❤

Babe, I want to stargaze with you; come soon ❤


Actually, stars are prettier from earth, fly safe ❤

I love runways and runways love me; safe flying ✈️


Don’t worry, I get high only on Starbucks ; safely landed. 

Watching movies on the way ; flying safe


Sun’s giving us warmth; flying safe

The clouds are kind today; safe flight ✈️


Clouds are illusionistic, but the captain is determined

New ticket, new flight and wonderful experiences, flying safe


Don’t worry, I’m my lucky charm flying safe

Technology’s cool, having a safe flight


Oh don’t worry, food’s with me flying safe and happy

Headphone’s on; jamming and flying safely


I want you to be jet lagged fly safe ❤

I’m preparing tortillas; first come first serve; fly safe ❤


Dadda, baby’s waiting; fly safe ❤

Ummm baby wants to be in your arms; come soon


Daddy’s princess wants him home soon; safe flight ❤

Another day, flying safely still


Mom, you deserve a break but, I can’t find my sock; come soon  

Dad couldn’t make scrambled eggs; we ordered Safe flight mom


Yo Momma, check-in’ flight safely

Thanks for working so hard for us dad; safe flight ❤


Dad, you promised movie night, I’m already dressed; come soon

No plane crash, just emotional damage Still a safe flight with the fam.


I’m getting programmed about planes with dad; flying safe ✌

Eating, sleeping and clicking; flying great


I hate flying but the clouds get me; safe flight tho

I’m determined to checkout each airport, flying safe


The captain seems trained Having a safe fly

Nothing to worry, mom’s beside me Safe flying 


My heaven’s on earth flying safe

I can see the city beneath; had a safe flight


I like the high; flying safe

Co-pilot’s kind ; will fly safe


The captain doesn’t believe in autopilot ; flying safe then

The flight’s luxury; flying safe


Captain, I believe in you; fly us safe

The plane is gonna meet the runway soon ; had a safe flight


Umm actually the plane’s a player; meeting another runaway Flight was smooth. 

I just hope the oceans are the plane’s ex ; safe flight ❤


Umm, I’m an earth sign, I like the lands ; safe flight to me

Jammin’ to music; flying safe


My anxiety pills are work-in’; flying safe

Experienced sunrise; long yet safe flight


I’ll be on time for breaky with the fam; flight was smooth

Go ahead and wish your dearest ones a safe flight with these creative wishes.

Happy wayfaring!


| Excellent Travel Bag Captions |


Niharika Sahay

Niharika Sahay is an emerging Travel Enthusiast based out of Bangalore, India. She is not just a quality observer but also an excellent doer. She personifies creativity and innovation in every fabric of her being. Niharika is a multi prize Winner in the field of Creative Writing.